St. Brigid's
A sign welcoming all to dinner church


Join us for Dinner Church!

1st and 3rd Sundays of each month - 5pm-7pm

@ Mindful Body’s Recovery Space

717 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054

Upcoming dates:

  • Sunday, November 17th

  • Sunday, December 1st

  • Sunday, December 15th

Welcome to St. Brigid’s

St. Brigid’s is a faith community in Oceanside rooted in the traditions of the Episcopal Church. We gather to share in God’s unconditional and radical love through the mystery and power of tradition along with new ways of encountering the divine.

We welcome all people, especially those who might not feel comfortable in a traditional church setting but are still seeking spiritual community, connection, and the grace and mystery of the sacraments.

All of our gatherings are fully open and affirming, sensory-sensitive, and welcome and include people of all ages and backgrounds. We worship in both English and Spanish at the majority of our services.

Bienvenidos a St. Brigid’s

St. Brigid’s es una comunidad de fe en Oceanside arraigada en las tradiciones de la Iglesia Episcopal. Nos reunimos para compartir el amor incondicional y radical de Dios a través del misterio y el poder de la tradición, junto con nuevas formas de encontrarnos con lo divino.

Damos la bienvenida a todas las personas, especialmente a aquellas que podrían no sentirse cómodas en un entorno de iglesia tradicional pero que aún buscan comunidad espiritual, conexión, y la gracia y el misterio de los sacramentos.

Todas nuestras reuniones son completamente abiertas y afirmativas, sensibles a las sensaciones, y acogen e incluyen a personas de todas las edades y procedencias. Celebramos el culto en inglés y español en la mayoría de nuestros servicios.


Connect with St. Brigid’s Leaders

Everyone is welcome at St. Brigid’s.


About our Church

Our dream for St Brigid’s is to be a community with minds, hearts and bodies dedicated to expressing God’s love and honoring the connectedness of all creation.

We are committed to the way of Jesus as it was always intended: as good news and liberation.

We value:

  • Joy expressing itself in community, creativity, and imagination

  • Love inspiring us to hopefulness, warm welcome, and transformation

  • Justice seeking liberation and peace for all peoples and all creation

    Our community is inspired by St. Brigid who didn’t let the boundaries of our world stand in the way of faithful service–boundaries between the divine and human, humankind and non-humankind, and those on the “other” side whether geographic, economic, racial, sexual or religious, or other.

    ALL of goodwill are welcome! Come to question. explore, or participate in whatever way feels comfortable. 


What we believe

We gather to recognize God’s love for the world, and God’s loving existence within all living things. Episcopalians participate in practices that give us opportunities to experience and participate in God’s presence together, called sacraments. These practices are always done in community, bringing us together, as the Body of Christ.

The sacraments make use of normal, everyday things such as bread, wine, and water to help tell the story of God’s love within all that exists, and to give us an opportunity to experience God’s presence with us as we worship.
